Rosie Seitz Ayers

Phone: 14062391141
Organization (if applicable):
*can create original residencies

Art Form: Drama/Theatre
MA in Integrated Arts and Education, Theatre Teaching Artist, Activist, and Director for 25 years, Professional Development, Community Health Advocate through United Way of Missoula County

Three words to describe you? Hilarious, Encouraging, Collaborative

What was your first arts "aha" moment, including how old were you? Watching a 40 year old man play the lead in The Foreigner and knowing that that is what I wanted to do--make an audience laugh. I have never been an ingenue, I have always wanted to be the most interesting character in life and on stage. Theatre is a team sport and I love to collaborate in all I do.

Why are you a teaching artist? I was a non-traditional learner and arts were a way into feeling equal to my classmates. Arts has saved my life many times over and I love to watch others discover their strengths through creation and collaboration.

In five words or less, why do you love your art form? There is a place for everyone and every style of artist

Finish the sentence: "Because of Arts Ed..." everyone can be seen safely and completely

What does success look like during your residency? each child finding their own level of expression while connecting to others

What’s an important life skill you gained through the arts? empathy

Who is an artist that changed your life? Teresa Waldorf

If you were entering a talent show, what would be your specific talent? Balloon tying animals

Do you have a secret (or not so secret) obsession? Vintage aprons

Hailey Faust